Mar 15, 2011

Steingarten Movie Night - Thank You For Smoking

Time:   20 March · 19:30 - 22:30
Location:  Steingarten 14 Partyroom

Year: 2005
Genres: Comedy | Drama
Director: Jason Reitman
Writers: Jason Reitman (screenplay), Christopher Buckley (novel)
Stars: Aaron Eckhart, J.K. Simmons, Cameron Bright and Robert Duvall
...Runtime: 92 min
Language: English with English subtitles

Meet Nick Naylor, chief spokesman for Big Tobacco, who makes his living defending the rights of smokers and cigarette makers in today's neo-puritanical culture. Confronted by health zealots out to ban tobacco and an opportunistic senator who wants to put poison labels on cigarette packs, Nick goes on a PR offensive, spinning away the dangers of cigarettes on TV talk shows and enlisting a Hollywood super-agent to promote smoking in movies. Why does he do all this? Because he's good at it. And in the end of the day we all have a mortgage to pay.

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